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  • I have a construction project requiring an electrician. Can OEL recommend a qualified electrician for me?

    Members can use our online Member portal to access the Member Directory to find licensed electrical contractors near them, as well as other businesses and industry organizations that are OEL Members. OEL is unable to recommend specific electricians or other professionals.

  • Outside of fees, how else can I get involved to make a difference? How can I volunteer?

    Volunteers are the heartbeat of OEL. Members can start volunteering at the Chapter level, getting involved to help run/manage the Chapter’s meetings, events, etc. They can also join our monthly Contractor Committee or volunteer to participate in focus groups, research, or other activities that we may be conducting. There is also potential to become a member of our Board of Directors, which is made up of volunteers.

    Volunteers are also needed to serve on OEL committees and industry committees, such as those with the Electrical Contractor Registration Agency (ECRA), part of the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). Watch the website and Weekly Dialogue to see announcements about these opportunities.

  • What is the “CC”, and how do I get a topic in front of this committee for discussion? 

    The Contractor Committee (CC) provides relevant information to contractors and is a place for these members to voice their opinions. All OEL Member contractors are welcome to attend CC meetings, usually held on the third Friday of the month (excluding July, August and December). If a member has an issue they would like addressed at the CC, they can bring this to the attention of their Chapter representative or contact the OEL Hotline - (905) 238-1382 or about it.

    Members can also reach out via email to for queries related to the Electrical Contractor Registration Agency (ECRA) or for issues pertaining to the Contractor Advisory Council.

  • What is OEL doing for young professionals in the industry?

    Young professionals are vital to OEL’s and Ontario’s future. Currently, related initiatives include presenting 3 Apprentice Days in different areas of Ontario to help apprentices build connections with their peers and obtain information about their levelled schooling, etc. to succeed. OEL also offers volunteer opportunities for young professionals from time to time. Watch the website or contact the OEL Hotline - (905) 238-1382 or email us at, for details.

  • Can I attend a Chapter meeting if I'm not a member?

    Yes, you are welcome to attend your two-chapter meeting as a non-member. There is a non-member rate attendance fee for some Chapters. We also encourage you to consider joining OEL to enjoy the many benefits of membership. A variety of membership packages are available to meet your needs.

  • Who can I call to find out more information about Chapter activities?

    Check out our Events calendar for details about the meetings and contact people at your local Chapter. You can also reach out to your Chapter President, or the OEL Member Services Representatives listed on OEL Chapters.

  • What's the value in attending an OEL event?

    Learn from industry experts, expand your skills and grow your network at OEL events like local Chapter meetings, Roadshows and training sessions. If you’re a contractor, our events, such as Chapter meetings, are excellent places to meet your counterparts and compare notes about what’s working and how you can solve common problems. To stay abreast of all OEL happenings, visit our Events Calendar. Members can also watch for details in our Weekly Dialogue e-newsletter.

  • I'm a new Member; how do I register for my local meeting?

    To register online for an OEL Chapter meeting, training (i.e., fire alarm technician) or another event, visit our Events Calendar. You will be prompted to log in with the email and password for your OEL account. If you need assistance with registering, please contact the OEL Hotline at (905) 238-1382 or email us at

  • I need support with an employee-related issue. Can OEL help?

    OEL can often help you or direct you to resources for legal advice, human resources/labour issues and government funding and supports. If you are an OEL Member, some of your Membership benefits are designed to assist you in these areas. For more information, please contact the OEL Hotline - (905) 238-1382, email us at, or reach out to one of our Member Services Representatives from the Contact Us page.

  • How do I hire and register an apprentice?

    The OEL Job Board is one resource that employers can use to recruit apprentices. Contractors turn to a variety of measures, including co-op education programs at their local secondary schools, to find young people who are interested in working in the skilled trades. IMPORTANT: When hiring, remember the provincial ratio rules for your trade. For example, there is a 1:1 ratio in the electrical trade, so contractors must employ 1 licensed electrician.

    There are two options for registering or “signing up” an apprentice so he/she gets a Registered Training Agreement (RTA) and is officially recognized as an apprentice by the Province of Ontario. NOTE: Apprentices must be registered before they can carry out work in an apprentice’s scope of practice for work.

    Employer Registration: As an employer, you and your apprentice can work directly with Skilled Trades Ontario to have the apprentice registered. To get started, visit the STO website. You will need a Sponsor ID Number to start the process online. STO can advise you on how to obtain this number if you don’t already have one from registering apprentices previously. You may also want to reach out to your local Employment Ontario Apprenticeship Office for assistance.

    Group Sponsor Registration: You can also use a group apprentice sponsor, such as Support Ontario Youth (SOY), an OEL partner, will take care of the required paperwork and steer the application process for you. There is no charge for this service, and it can save you a lot of time. SOY appears as the apprentice’s sponsor on the completed Training Agreement. For more information, contact SOY at phone (647) 693-8939,

  • How does OEL support contractors with training apprentices?

    OEL’s 2024-25 EEP: Employer Support for Apprentice Success Project (link to PDF or EEP page on site) provides contractors with subsidies for apprentice wages, work equipment and training. Other benefits include convenient online business training to lay the groundwork for successful operations that support apprentice success, mental health supports and apprentice networking and education events. To learn more, contact the OEL Hotline - (905) 238-1382 or, or reach out to one of your local Member Services Representatives.

  • What's the value in attending an OEL event?

    Learn from industry experts, expand your skills and grow your network at OEL events like local Chapter meetings, Roadshows and training sessions. If you’re a contractor, our events, such as Chapter meetings, are excellent places to meet your counterparts and compare notes about what’s working and how you can solve common problems. To stay abreast of all OEL happenings, visit our Events Calendar. Members can also watch for details in our Weekly Dialogue e-newsletter.

  • I'm a new Member; how do I register for my local meeting?

    To register online for an OEL Chapter meeting, training (i.e., fire alarm technician) or another event, visit our Events Calendar. You will be prompted to log in with the email and password for your OEL account. If you need assistance with registering, please contact the OEL Hotline at (905) 238-1382 or email us at

  • I need support with an employee-related issue. Can OEL help?

    OEL can often help you or direct you to resources for legal advice, human resources/labour issues and government funding and supports. If you are an OEL Member, some of your Membership benefits are designed to assist you in these areas. For more information, please contact the OEL Hotline - (905) 238-1382, email us at, or reach out to one of our Member Services Representatives from the Contact Us page.

With 38,000 members across the province, there’s a chapter near you.

With 38,000 members across the province, there’s a chapter near you.